Events and Activities
Below is the Scavenger Hunt instructions, submission form and activity pages.

Calithumpians - In Heritage We Trust! (Performance)
Thank You to Our Partners
The Calithumpians
The Calithumpians are providing amazing shows all summer long in Fredericton. Included in their lineup is a show focused on the 50 years of Fredericton Heritage Trust.
As a reminder, we are celebrating our 50th year in 2022.
A BIG thank you to the Calithumpian performers and to Peter Pacey who runs the show!
Please take some time and checkout this wonderful performance.
RFP - Repurposing the Old Stone Church
Photo Taken From:
Request for Proposals:
St. John the Evangelist Church
75 Main Street, Fredericton, NB
Applications due July 31, 2022, at midnight
Please send applications to
FHT Executive Director Anthea Plummer at
Fredericton Heritage Trust
Fredericton Heritage Trust (FHT), in partnership with St. John the Evangelist Church, is seeking proposals for the leasing and repurposing of the Old Stone Church at 75 Main Street. This partnership reflects our desire to preserve this historic building while also relieving the financial burden that currently falls on the shoulders of St. John the Evangelist Church. This burden is acutely felt as the Old Stone Church is no longer in use nor is it likely to be financially viable for use in the future. The Church’s mission is to pursue charitable causes and community projects within their financial capacity. In planning preparation for repurposing of the Old Stone Church, it was de-sanctified in June 2022. As the building has great historic and cultural value, Fredericton Heritage Trust has offered assistance and expertise in finding someone or some organization who could appropriately use the Old Stone Church and commit to maintaining it.
Fredericton Heritage Trust was organized in 1972, nearly half a century ago. It formed in response to very real threats to Fredericton’s impressive built heritage, especially the then City Council’s plans to re-develop the downtown core. We have engaged in many other campaigns since then – and we will continue to do so. We are a volunteer non-profit, charitable organization dedicated to promoting the preservation of the natural, historical, and architectural heritage of the Capital Region of New Brunswick. The Trust has launched many successful endeavours over the years, including walking tour booklets of both Fredericton and Marysville and a restoration guidebook to Fredericton's residential architecture. Annually, the Trust presents awards to businesses and individuals for their efforts in restoring and maintaining our architectural heritage. Various educational projects and programs are also ongoing regularly.
Our Mandate
· To preserve, protect and promote the heritage of Fredericton and area.
· To identify and recognize examples of heritage preservation.
· To educate the public (especially children) as to the importance of our built and natural heritage.
To this end, the FHT, in partnership with St. John the Evangelist Church, is looking for the following in a new tenant.
A detailed description of the property, including the implications of existing gravestones, square footage, road access, heating units, and other specifications, is available upon request.
What we are looking for:
o A long-term contract/rental agreement, with timeframe to be negotiated.
o Any tenant must ensure that no alcohol, cigarettes, or other like substances will be sold or served on the premises.
o Financial means for repairing the building’s roof, removing any mold, and ensuring the building is kept in good condition during the rental agreement. (Please note that there is some assistance with the roof repair and negotiation on any rent to accommodate these commitments).
o Tenants are encouraged to apply who have repurposing proposals that are aligned with any of the following, but not limited to: non-profit and/or charity, culture, history, art, wellness, community support, economic vitality, reconciliation, education, etc. Ideally, we would like to see proposals that illustrate a community benefit.
o All proposals will need a thorough budget and estimate of the required building maintenance costs, with an explanation on how they will be able to meet these requirements both short term and long term.
Please note: There will be viewing times for those who wish to see the property. Please contact Anthea Plummer at 471-3541 or to access this information. As well, please contact us if you are looking for any additional information. We politely ask that no one reach out to St. John the Evangelist Church directly, as we are facilitating this process in order to reduce the administrative burden on the church leadership.
Proposal Format and Content
Proposals must include:
1. Person/organization and contact information
2. Person/organization’s background and relevance to the RFP
3. Business plan or repurposing description (minimum of 250 words)
4. Maintenance/operational budget and income sources
5. Financial stability of the repurposing or business
6. 2 Letters (minimum) of support
7. Proof of charitable and/or non-profit status if applicable
Maintenance/operational budget
Please note that the maintenance/operational budget requires that the tenant will assume responsibility for repairs and maintenance, and will be responsible for undertaking both structural repairs and reasonable wear and tear. The scope or extent of the structural repairs will be expressly articulated in the negotiated lease.
a. The budget must include an overview of costs for the proposed maintenance and operational expenses for the building. This must include all projected expenses, such as:
· Building insurance,
· electric,
· heating,
· sewage/water,
· snow removal,
· lawn care (not the graveyard),
· window cleaning,
· general repairs,
· roofing,
· mold remediation,
· and any other information deemed important.
The church will make available records of the annual costing of operations, so that interested parties can know the amounts formerly incurred to maintain the building.
b. A plan to maximize or leverage all existing funding, potential funding, in-kind support, or other services, etc.
Financial stability of the person/business/organization must include a description of financial health with supporting documents to illustrate this. Please include contingency plans for any foreseeable challenges that might be faced.
Letters of support must include:
· contact information for the referee,
· if they are providing any financial or in-kind support for this proposal,
· their relationship to the person, business, or organization submitting the proposal,
· why they support the proposal,
· and any other information that seems of importance.
Review Process
Process/Assessment of Applications
The FHT Review Committee will discuss all viable proposals and select the top 5 for review with St. John’s the Evangelist Administration/Selection Committee. Proposals must demonstrate that they have the financial means to support their proposal and that they will not be selling or serving alcohol, cigarettes, or other like substances on the premises. The primary intent of the proposal process is to find a suitable and committed tenant for the property.
A decision will be made by August 31, 2022. We will notify all applicants whether they have or have not been successful.
Photo Taken From:
St. John the Evangelist Church
(75 Main Street, Fredericton, NB)
Heritage Scavenger Hunt
All entries must include name and contact information.
Postal Code:
Family Submission - Children:
Youth (13-17) Submission:
Adult Submission:
Please return via mail or email (listed below) by July 1st 2022, before midnight.
Email this form to:
FHT Executive Director Anthea Plummer
Be sure to put 'Scavenger Hunt' in the subject line
Mail to:
Fredericton Heritage Trust
PO Box 546
Fredericton, New Brunswick
E3B 5A6
The Fredericton Heritage Trust invites you to seek out our city’s unique architecture through this fun adventure. Completed entries will be entered for a PRIZE sponsored by one of our local business partners. We want to thank our sponsors for their help and support.
You may complete just the North Side or South Side, or complete both for additional points!
Trails Day June 4, 2022
Parks & Trails Day
Thank you Fredericton! We loved seeing you during our free celebration of family, fun, fitness, and food on Fredericton’s trails! On June 4, our community partners hosted four hours of FREE activities to show some love for our city’s trail system and the people who make it great. We also raised money to help carry out our volunteer projects on the trails!
Art on the Bridge
5k walk/run (9 a.m.)
Free BBQ
Rock & Chalk Painting
Urban Sketching
Parasport Equipment Display
Washer Tournament
Trail Bingo (download)
Heritage Walking Tours
Speaker’s Corner
Children’s Storytime
Speaker’s Corner
Photo Walk
Yoga & Zumba
Interested in participating in 2023? Download the Participant Guide here and contact Sandra at to get started.